The Cassie Edwards Drinking Game!

JHUS 2024 featured cassie edwards

This one’s simple: Open any Cassie Edwards novel. If you see an ellipsis – you know, the three dots? Like…this? Drink. This is actually how I came up with this idea – I found one of her “books” in a box, and thought, “I bet I can open this to ANY random page and find at least one ellipsis.” I tried literally a dozen times, and succeeded every time. I’m holding one of her books in my hands right now, I’ll test the theory just for you! The title of this book is “Her Forbidden Pirate.”

(Safety note: I was tempted as I constructed this to say ‘drink for each ellipsis.’ DON’T. Do not even think about it. You’ll die of alcohol poisoning before the end of the night. I promise. Even if you’re playing the game with water.)

  1. Page 250-251. Ellipses: 1
  2. Page 296-297. Ellipses: 4
  3. Page 72-73. Ellipses: 0~! (For your party, now pass the book to the next person)
  4. Page 346-347. Ellipses: 7
  5. Page 196-197 (weird the 6-7 keeps hitting). Ellipses: 1
  6. Page 368-269. Ellipses: 8
  7. Page 162-163. Ellpses: 15. FIFTEEN FLIPPIN ELLIPSES IN TWO PAGES! THERE ARE MORE DOTS IN HERE THAN A DAMNED SEURRAT PAINTING! I bet if you ripped all these pages out of the book and pasted them on cardboard when you back away from it it’ll look like the old grayscale newspaper photos.
  8. Page 360-361. Ellipses: 2
  9. Page 126-127. Ellipses: 4
  10. Page 270-271. Ellipses: 5

So that’s the EZ-mode game. I promise you, if you have enough alcohol you will not be able to play this game for an hour without getting so hammered that you can’t SEE the friggin dots anymore.

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