Combating Artificial Narratives in Social Media Related To The Sanders Candidacy

This post is a companion to the March 11 & 12, 2020 editions of The John Henry Show, a livestream broadcast on YouTube that appears every night M-F at 8pm eastern on my YouTube Channel.  If you’d like to watch the videos you can find them here and here.  If you have material you believe will be beneficial to these techniques, please leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to check them out and integrate them, but please don’t forget this is a one-man operation and there are only so many hours in the day.

I am an individual acting of my own volition and am not associated with or contracted by any candidate, PAC, Super-PAC, or party.

  1. Set up a very large field of candidates to make it difficult to be heard above the crowd
  2. As the field narrows with public support failing to materialize, allow a small group of third-tier candidates to gain support
  3. Allow the front-runner to get a little comfortable.  Keep building various dishonest narratives (see below)
  4. The front-runner will eventually lose to someone.  When that candidate is identified, they become the “party favorite.”
    1. Immediately shift narratives to support party favorite while downplaying successes of outsider candidate
    2. Support all narratives with both mass media and social media compliance-gaining tactics (see below)
  5. Once the party favorite is identified, pressure leading third-tier candidates to drop out with promises of reward if they throw support to party favorite.
  6. When party favorite wins, build narrative of “surge” and “the people have spoken.”  Continue to ignore prior successes of leading candidate.
  7. Send proxies to speak in favor of party candidate and declaim outsider as Super Tuesday approaches.
  8. Continue working to undermine confidence in leading candidate.  Ramp up negativity post-Super-Tuesday.  “Can’t win,” “people don’t want a revolution,” etc.
  9. Continue to circulate easily-repeatable points with high resonance on social and mainstream media.  The populists must be discourage and feel beaten.
  10. Continue to suppress turnout and enthusiasm for progress through disinformation campaigns combined with “evidence” of primary victories.
  11. Claim pre-emptive victory with less than half of delegates committed, to defuse any potential energy generated by the inevitable one-on-one debate, which must take place after both Super Tuesday and the following 6-state primary a week later.
  12. This ensures that enthusiasm and momentum is sapped for the popular candidate going in to the debates, which will hopefully blunt the predictable and one-sided victory of the populist in the debate afterward.
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John Henry
4 years ago

Gonna be a hell of a show tonight, I probably wont’ get through even half of this stuff.

John Henry
4 years ago

And the next time someone tries telling you – or me, or saying here – that I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, I wrote this off the top of my head in about two hours.

There’s a hell of a lot more than pretty hair going on with this head, kids.

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