Back To Normal

brown mountains
Photo by Roberto Nickson on

The reality at hand is, simply put, what I’ve been saying all along: we’re evolving. That kind of behavior, all that hypocrisy and self-contradiction for the sake of upholding a public image that probably isn’t as great as we think it is to begin with, all of that doing one thing behind closed doors and saying something else out in public…it’s all going away.

What we are facing is the stark and inescapable truth that these behaviors work in opposition to the “universal ethic,” i.e. the survival and propagation of the species. It does not promote sustainability to continue turning a blind eye to human rights abuses. It does not help preserve and expand the species for us to continue deliberately making life a start to finish terror for huge segments of the population.

It doesn’t serve the universal ethic to invent all these labor-saving devices and then refuse to stop wasting our labor because that’s the habit we’re in and we’ve come to believe it’s the only way to do things.

It doesn’t serve the universal ethic to keep the vast majority of the population subjugated, even if you can con a big chunk of them into being happy about it.


As we’ve discussed previously, anything that doesn’t serve the universal ethic is, eventually, rejected by life itself as contrary to its purposes. This broken, purposeless “normality” to which we’re all in such a hurry to return because we’re exhausted and confused and scared and feel unstable and vulnerable in the face of COVID-19 simply does not serve and must therefore be rejected.

Right now is the time, folks. This is the moment many of us, and indeed many in generations long past, have waited for. Right now it’s in our hands to shape the future. We have that power, you and me, together. The more together we are, the more power we have, and the more power we have the more effectively we can push back against those whose behavior and ideology are hostile to the survival and propagation of the species.

It was always us, man. Not the big rich folks. It’s always been us – “the people.” “Little folks” like you and me looking around and saying to ourselves “no, there’s got to be a better way.” That one simple thought has been the impetus for every advancement in human life since some fifteen-foot-long pre-Cambrian mudskipper decided it was easier to walk over the dry spots than to swim around, and also there’s food up there.

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