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Zack de la Rocha, 2016 publicity photo by Juan Luis Garcia via Billboard.Com

There is a better way, and we can nearly all see it now. The democratizing of information that has come with the information age has made the structures that protected old entrenched power structures impossible to maintain. It’s too easy to see through now. Religion is dying. Even as we cry out internally for those connections and exchanges of power and energy that are often lumped into “mysticism” simply because we haven’t yet understood their science, we are actively rejecting the superficial substitutes for those connections and exchanges. We’re stripping away all the barnacles and remembering what’s supposed to be so great about all this in the first place.

It is a fascinating and exciting time to be alive. I absolutely believe that the things we’ve done in the last 70-80 years, and the things we’ll do in the next 30-50, will define everything about our species for at least the next five centuries.

Philosopher and poet Zack de la Rocha once posed this thought:

It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime;
What better place than here? What better time than now?

Rage Against The Machine, Guerilla Radio

It’s here, it’s now, and it’s time. A revolution not of arms and battles and the same stupid pointless escalations, but of mind and spirit, an internal revolution that begins, as all true revolutions must, in the mirror of the prospective revolutionary. We’re going to have to get used to the idea that “a job” isn’t gonna be a thing here in another few decades. We’re going to have to lose this ego-driven aversion to the “welfare state,” because the reality is that’s all any state ever is or can be, if it’s to be a state at all. We’re going to have to stop allowing ourselves to be taken in by euphemism and double-talk, without losing the art and beauty of capricious language.


We’re going to have to stop bullshitting ourselves about who we are, and why, and what it all means, and what we’re going to do about it all, because this crap of hiding under our desks and ignoring the elephant in the living room and whistling past the graveyard and pick your metaphor is done. No, it’s not all magically disappeared, but it’s fading away very quickly now. We are literally growing out of who we’ve always been; I call it an evolution. If you’re a pedant and a biologist you might prefer to say that homo sapiens sapiens is perhaps entering its adolescence or adulthood as a species.

However you put it, whatever way you need to frame it to make it something you can internalize, find it. Because this is the reality we’re in, your moment is now, and the fate of the world really is in your – our – hands.

Thanks for reading, please be sure to follow and share JH using the social media icons scattered throughout the site!

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