“The Drill” #1 – Greta Thunberg, Neil Young

Welcome to the very first edition of what I hope will become a regular weekday post rounding up various bits of news and entertainment I’ve found during my online travels, and various thoughts, anecdotes, trivia, and analysis pertaining thereto. What ground I’ll cover is up for grabs; there’s sure to be some socio-political content every day because that’s where I live, and likely to be plenty of stuff about music, films, etc.

While “news” will play a role, it’s not my intent to be just another copy-paste gimmick that does crappy rewrites of articles from bigger sites and passes it off as original material. Expect anything that catches my attention and inspires 250-500 words of thought, with maybe four to eight stories per day.

With that said, let’s get right in to it!

In today’s issue: Greta Thunberg reminds us that she ran out of f**ks to give about five minutes after she was born and good for her; Neil Young sings about other people; YouTube bans antivaxx misinformation. Read more using the navigation links (pro tip: the header is a drop-down menu), and don’t forget to add me on social media so you don’t miss anything!


Climate and autism activist Greta Thunberg hit another one out of the park this week while speaking at the Youth4Climate summit in Milan, Italy. Reading like a classic George Carlin stand-up routine, Thunberg read through the obligatory list of cliches and empty promises – creating a new prosperous future full of green jobs and so forth – with open scorn and mockery before dismissing the lot as “thirty years of blah blah blah.” CNN’s report is at https://us.cnn.com/2021/09/28/world/greta-thunberg-climate-intl/index.html and features some highlights or you can watch the video in the embedded tweet below. One of my favorite passages, via WaPo:

They invite cherry-picked young people to pretend they are listening to us, but they are not. They are clearly not listening to us. Just look at the numbers. Emissions are still rising. The science doesn’t lie.

– Greta Thunberg

What I love about this particular quote is that she doesn’t flinch even a little bit while citing her own presence in that place at that moment as another attempt at performative distraction, a bit of token attention to settle the kids down. In the “bigger picture” sense again we see a dramatic shift in decorum over the last few decades; no more are these folks all just showing up to have their pictures taken and get their name in the paper. They haven’t come to recycle the same old talking points that benefit nobody except those desperately working to preserve the status quo that keeps them extraordinarily wealthy. Moreover they’ve come to eject those who do.

It absolutely must be taken as critical to this conversation that we stop playing word games and employing euphemism and trying to protect the feelings of the guilty at the expense of the lives of the innocent. Seeing this ongoing evolution of discourse is heartening and I certainly encourage everyone to do what they can to emulate it. Enough with the “blah blah blah” already, let’s get something done.

This is the generation of kids I was trying to be in thirty-five years ago and we weren’t ready. We’re not ready now…but the universe isn’t gonna wait for us to be ready. Change is happening, evolution is here, and it’s get on board or get left behind.

When I think about what “on board” looks like, it usually looks like this.

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