Obama a Muslim? So What? (2008)

Curated post, originally written Oct 10, 2008

From Time Magazine, via http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20080918/us_time/maxedoutmoms

That sentiment is echoed by Beth S, a factory worker in Cleveland who works the third shift so she can take her son to school and then to practices for the four sports he plays. Pausing recently at a Wal-Mart, she said: “Honestly, I don’t know what to do. I really don’t want to vote for McCain. You can tell he only cares about rich people. Sarah Palin wears glasses that cost $300. McCain’s wife wears Gucci clothes. Which means they don’t know anything about people like me.” Into that stew of assumptions, she adds: “I hear that Obama’s a Muslim. If he is a Muslim, that would be a problem, because the terrorists already attacked us.” (He’s not.)

Dear Beth S and the rest of the “Obama’s A Muslim” crowd:

I have a question to ask of you all.

Let’s assume for a moment that Barack Obama really *is* a Muslim.  He prays toward Mecca five times a day and believes that Mohammed was the pen with which the Word of God was written.  It’s not true, never has been, there’s not the slightest shred of evidence that Obama ever so much as considered *being* a Muslim…but let’s assume for a moment that he is.

This leaves us with a very important question.

So what?  Why is this important?  Why is it relevant to the man’s leadership skills or vision for this country?

And furthermore, why is it such a problem for one person to be a member of a religion with fundamentalist elements that are far removed from sanity, but perfectly okay for another? 

I’ve been to Pentacostal churches.  Some of my people are Pentacostal.  Have you ever seen human beings “speaking in tongues?”  This is a sect that believes in taking the Bible literally – that every single word is the manifest Word of God, that contradictions are explained only by the reader’s inability to understand what is written – and in the gift of prophecy, that He (and of course God is ALWAYS a “He” with these folks) will choose YOU as the Most Speshul Snowflake to use as his conduit for communicating with the world, if only you believe hard enough and have enough gibberish pouring forth from your tongue.  These are the people who believe that medical problems not just can, but *should* be resolved by the laying on of hands and the channeling of the Holy Spirit rather than a medical professional, apparently neglecting to consider that perhaps medical science is *also* a ‘gift from God.’


This is the religion of Pat Robertson, who blamed 9-11 on America’s tolerance for homosexuality and abortion.

While I recognize that as with any large sect, there is a spectrum, rather than a point, that defines beliefs and doctrine, at the same time it must be considered that even the least radical of the Pentacostal movement is quite some distance from the mainstream of modern thought.  I further recognize that in this great land of ours, each of us has the freedom to choose what we want to believe, and how, and it’s not my intent or desire to suggest that anyone should be prevented from seeking elective office solely on the basis of their beliefs.  (Whether they intend to use their position to force others to adhere to those beliefs through the manipulation of public policy is another matter entirely.)

While it seems extreme to the point of absurdity that Pentacostal fundamentalism and radical Islamic fundamentalism share the same core beliefs…it’s actually quite true, apart from the nature of the dieties they worship.  Both sects believe that they are the ordained and obedient servants of God; that nonbelievers should be punished and excised; that they alone are enlightened to the One True Path; that God bestows gifts upon them for their faith and devotion; that those who believe differently are hellbound sinners; and that they have a sort of charter from God to go into the world and convert as many people as possible to their way of thought. 

It may seem outrageous to suggest that Pentecostalists are as willing to kill or die for their religion as radical Islamists have proven to be…but then again, perhaps not so crazy, if one considers the war in Iraq a ‘mission from God.’  Perhaps not so crazy, when the leading voice of the Pentecostal movement is so willing to ascribe the attacks of 9-11 as a judgement upon us from God in retribution for “the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America.”  Perhaps not so outrageous when another leading light of the Pentecostal movement, Jimmy Swaggart, once said in an interview that if a gay man “looked at me like that, I’d kill him and tell God he died.”

And I’m sure some of you are reading this and preparing to fire off vitriolic responses filled with righteous indignance…but when you throw away your local prejudice, there’s not a whole lot of space in the gap between the kind of hate espoused by Robertson and the Pentecostal movement, and that espoused by the Mullahs of radical Islam.  Robertson is no more representative of Christianity than Osama bin Laden is of Islam, yet some of us have no problem tarring all Muslims with that brush, even as we object to any suggestion that the knife cuts with both edges.

So we come back to the question, so WHAT if Barack Obama were a Muslim?  He’s not, and I’d like to say that nobody with half a brain believes he is, but apparently it’s still a pretty common belief.  So What?  Why are we still being so stubborn, blind, and ignorant as to associate an entire religion with 1.5 BILLION adherents with the actions of a small, radical, hate-filled handful of them?  This is no more ridiculous than to assert that every Christian believes the same way Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church does, or that every Christian acts the same way a few Catholic priests have. 

There’s no law preventing a Muslim – or an Atheist, or a Jainist, or a Taoist, or a Buddhist – from running for and being elected president.  Furthermore, there is no ethical or moral reason why anyone, of any religion, should be prevented from doing so, as long as they meet the constitutional requirements for the Presidency.

I find it disturbing and frightening that even now, more than seven years after 9-11, when we’ve all had plenty of opportunity to do our own research and gain our own understanding of Islam, to realize that not all Muslims are hate-mongers and terrorists any more than all Christians are bigots and murderers and pedophiles.  I would ask anyone who reads this to confront the next person who throws out the “Obama is a Muslim” tripe to resist the urge to simply deny it – these people obviously don’t care about the facts anyway – but make them explain why it’s a bad thing.  Make them confront their inner bigot and drag it out into the light of day, make them justify it.  See how long they can hold on to their irrational prejudices when they’re forced to verbalize them.

I’ll bet the majority don’t last long.

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