It’s important to remember that rough third I talked about in the previous section can’t be identified by any external characteristic. They are rich and poor, black and white, Chinese and Ghanian and Guatemalan and American, they are man and woman and non-binary and trans, they are Christian and Muslim and Jewish and Hindu and Buddhist and Jainist and shiniest and atheist. They are sex workers and PTA moms and deadbeat dads and captains of industry and church leaders and police and average everyday people you probably share a coffee or maybe lunch or some gossip with on slack or maybe they’re a member of your family. Maybe ALL the members of your family are part of that one-third.
It is a time-worn and long-proven effective tool of oppressive and totalitarian power to set the populations they seek to subjugate against one another based on various meaningless attributes usually appealing, at their root, to fear and ignorance.
There’s certainly some reasonable criticism to be directed i our current situation; large identifiable demographic groups contributed significantly and inexplicably to Trump’s victory. Among other relevant observations I’ve had my own words for the Latinos and those of middle-eastern descent who withheld their votes from Harris or voted for Trump on some pretext like failure to support Palestine or the “sin” of women not being compulsory brood mares for any man who cares to force himself on her. because they’re among those groups most certain to be targeted by the Trump administration for oppression soonest and most violently, and I think that’s a thing worth noting for any number of reasons.
So I’m not saying I don’t “get it.” Nor am I trying to shout down the idea of saying “hey wtf were you thinking over here? Seriously?”
If we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of focusing on those demographic numbers and wondering about specific examples of why this group or that group would have to be out of their mind to have done this, we will alienate others like us and begin thinking in precisely the ways we’re trying to resist. That’s why making such divisions happen is so important to the despot or tyrant. The more intramural rancor and hostility and distrust can be sewn among the proletariat, the easier it is for the aristocracy to get away with unimaginable levels of exploitation and malice in the distraction.
Ironically this can only be done by first pushing us together under labels – black, white, gay, straight, Christian, man, woman, Jew, etc. – and then defining an antithesis to that label and pushing others of us under that, and then setting us at each other’s throats like a disturbed child agitating cats to fight each other.
The only defense against that is a diligent ongoing mindfulness about our own thinking, because human brains like patterns and groups and categories and sorting things and labeling them, and we’ll do it off-hand if we’re not paying attention and not even realize it until months later it dawns on us that some basic idea worked its way into something way back when that didn’t belong there and has caused harm to whatever ongoing effort it infected.
We have to be honest with ourselves and we have to be willing to admit when we’ve blown it, because none of us are perfect and we’re all going to screw up sometimes. The important part isn’t that you’re perfect, but that you’re aware of your imperfections and working in good faith to ensure your thinking is clear and hasn’t become infected with some bad idea without you realizing it.