It’s about individuals, and that’s really important because you know what? We gotta fix it individually. That means no more debate callouts and back and forth and trying to give benefit of doubt or keep the peace or reach across the aisle. That means we don’t just roll our eyes at ol’ drunk uncle Cletus when he starts screaming racism, we make it quite clear and without any room for further debate that Uncle Cletus is welcome to either stop being an unrepentant monster or he’s welcome to not come around at all, period. Yeah, that’s gonna hurt his feelings and make you feel bad, tough. You have to stop letting these bullies push you into allowing them to be part of your lives when all they do is make you miserable and exploit you and insult you and disregard you on every human level unless they want something.
It means no more relentless relitigation of every conceivable idea just because team dumbass tagged in a new partner. No, I don’t have to rationalize or validate my belief that we shouldn’t be pushing trans kids around just because some adults are sex-obsessed perverts. No, I’m not required to step through my every internal dialogue for the last fifty-four years related in any way to whatever we’re talking about just so you can whip out some snotty condescending gotcha when I make a typo or get a meaningless trivia point wrong.
We’re done doing all that now. That is my individual choice. And yours. If you want to persist in holding values and beliefs that are objectively reprehensible, then I am under no obligation to keep explaining to you why they’re objectively reprehensible.
That also means you might be the odd person out, maybe you’re in a whole family of these ridiculous cretins and somehow you’re the only one who managed to find any human decency or redeeming character trait. This is where it gets hard, because we need a community out there that’s ready to be family to those folks, that’s ready to take the place of the sniveling, cowardly traitors who turned their backs out of ignorance and fear. And that doesn’t just mean a pat on the back and thoughts and prayers, a lot of folks are stuck in these situations because they have nowhere else to go. That means you need to consider being a place for them to go if you have one. Not because they share your hobbies or identity or interests or religion but because they share your humanity.
Individuals did this. Individual human beings making individual human choices to allow or create suffering in others for their own benefit.
THAT is the problem that needs fixing.
The only way it gets fixed is we make it frankly and unambiguously clear to every one of them one by one that their money’s no good here and their custom isn’t welcome, playtime’s over, this is no longer acceptable at any level under any circumstances, and if that’s too big a problem for someone then they are welcome to remove themselves from the society whose contracts they refuse to respect.
Because what they stand for and advocate and support is what has made my life far too often a miserable waste as it has billions of others, it’s disgusting and it’s evil and it’s wrong and I don’t want it around me and no human being should be subject to this treatment and these conditions and this futility of a life, and that’s all the reason I need. Dismissed
As long as they’re going through life supporting and propagating and validating ignorance, hate, servility to power, bigotry, and violence, they have self-selected non-participation in our society. They have chosen to egregiously violate the social contract, to the extent that some of them will haughtily declare they didn’t sign one and millions of others want to renegotiate it.
That means they don’t want to be part of our society, so GTFO. Can’t throw most of ’em out of the country, but I can damn sure throw ’em out of my world, and I can make sure they stay gone.
As long as someone is willing to try or help those who are trying to replace progressive democracy with totalitarianism and oppression and exploitation, they are not welcome in my life, or my social circles, or my church, or my public events. They are shunned. They are subject to precisely the same treatment they wish upon others whose sole offense against them is their existence, because that is the justice that has been long-delayed by the distaste held by decent people for the unavoidable unpleasantries of seeing it applied. If they want to use my bathroom, they have to show me their genitals first so I know which one they need AND I know they’re not lying about it to gain access to me or my family in a vulnerable moment. If they want to eat my food, they have to show me they earned it. I wouldn’t want to impose my socialism on them by just giving it to them, they have to contribute somehow. If they want anything from me, at all, they have to jump through every hoop I can possibly come up with and then I’ll deny them anyway.
Because that’s the world they’re trying to create for us, and I’m not having it.
Or we can talk about them growing up and acting like an adult and facing the facts that the way they think is harmful to others and that is wrong and they need to change it, starting right this minute.
Because anything else is their choice to dishonor that social contract, and if they’re not participating in the contract, they’ve self-selected out of that society.
That was their choice to make, as an individual.
And these are the costs of that choice.
Now is that how I want to be to people? No. But there’s about eighty million of y’all who need to hear me loud and clear, right now:
You’re not leaving me or anyone else with a conscience any choice. You ARE the trolley problem, and we’re the ones who have to decide whether to act or passively allow harm to happen to innocent people including us.
Clock’s ticking. There’s only one right side of any of this. Get on it and mean it.