I Shouldn’t Have To (2010)
Thoughts from 2010 on the bigoted ignorance of getting angry because you have to press “1” for English in the United States.
Thoughts from 2010 on the bigoted ignorance of getting angry because you have to press “1” for English in the United States.
Archive of the final version of the FAQ for the alt.games.morrowind Usenet newsgroup. Note this is an FAQ about the group, not the game.
The Twelve Steps of Elder Scrolls Anonymous, which may or may not have been adapted from another popular twelve-step recovery program.
Let’s normalize saying what we mean and having honest and forthright conversations about consent.
The lyrics of an old power-pop song lead to a deep and sometimes difficult examination of sexual attitudes and mores in 2021.
Take a look at some of the smoke your leaders, elected officials, military personnel, and court officers are blowing up your posterior.
From the archive: JH calls for mass demonstrations against the Taliban in May, 2001, in response to their abuses of power in Afghanistan.
Archive of a video presentation about the film Fahrenheit 9/11 that my daughter and I created in the summer of 2004 for a class project.
Everybody likes partying, but it’s not necessary to be stupid about it. Plus you tend to get in a lot less trouble.
It’s amazing how many dimes people will waste in order to save one. A short rant about common sense and people’s need to think they’re slick.