Why Libertarians™ Aren’t
Examining how we think of government while looking at the difference between libertarianism and the US Libertarian Party
Examining how we think of government while looking at the difference between libertarianism and the US Libertarian Party
Archive of a video presentation about the film Fahrenheit 9/11 that my daughter and I created in the summer of 2004 for a class project.
The “Fairness Doctrine” is one of the most misunderstood principles in modern politics. We’ll examine why that is, and what you can do to replace the empty railing for a useless regulation with genuinely effective tools to fight disinformation.
We humans love our comfort, and our addiction to it – to the point that we’ve damn near sacrificed our very existence just for the illusion of comfort – is killing us.
I’m just over the constant going back and forth with people who act like they don’t get it. It sucks up too much energy.
Discussing the favored twin delusions of passive-aggressive authoritarians trying to defend the indefensible rather than trying to be decent humans.
Previously I described the fascist occupation of the United States, and it wasn’t very hopeful. Now let’s talk about how to start fixing it.
The United States of America is currently occupied by fascists, up to and including the President. Some thoughts on how that happened and what happens now.
How and why Bernie Sanders runs as a Democrat, plus the latest COVID-19 NEWS, willful ignorance, recursive authoritarianism, and more!
This is a companion guide to go along with the March 11, 2020 edition of “The John Henry Show,” which will focus on exactly what the title says.