Authoritarianism: Left and Right
It’s important to understand that all authoritarianism is not the same.
It’s important to understand that all authoritarianism is not the same.
It’s simple, really: those who refuse to honor the social contract are self-selecting out of society. Bye.
Critiquing the misuse of cherry-picked statistics (e.g. the price of bread in the past) in economic and social policy discussions, emphasizing the importance of sound reasoning and factual accuracy in public discourse to promote genuine, robust, and sustainable social progress.
In 2010 the idea that Facebook is destroying democracy was roundly laughed at and dismissed. In 2023 it doesn’t seem so funny.
Discussing the issue of abortion in the frame of Tim Tebow’s 2010 Superbowl ad.
Dress codes and other mandatory compliance demands are the behavior of totalitarian thugs and bullies.
Comedian Bill Hicks was one of a kind.
Too bad his fans these days are pretty common, basic, and entirely missing the point. Curated 2009 post, edited and updated in 2023.
There is no honor in being a vanquished traitor. The Confederate Flag is the symbol of cowards and losers.