Breach Of (Social) Contract
It’s simple, really: those who refuse to honor the social contract are self-selecting out of society. Bye.
It’s simple, really: those who refuse to honor the social contract are self-selecting out of society. Bye.
The revolution you seek begins in the mirror. Don’t be a fascist.
I think most of us are exceptional and the majority of those are exceptional in some positive, constructive, beautiful, and powerful way. There’s a back side to all of that, though,
The progressive left has everything “on our side,” and some of it we need to not.
As I’m curating old content, noticing how much good stuff I put out in 2011 brings on thoughts of why nearly nobody knows it.
The ongoing discourse about “cancel culture” and how to “take a joke” provides a chance to reflect on our continuing evolution.
We have bad policies for combating poverty for one reason: because the very wealthy need the very poor to keep everyone else in line.
“The New Poor” get a hard answer to “why is this happening to us?” All this and a ton more on the inaugural episode of “In My Room” with John Henry!
The lyrics of an old power-pop song lead to a deep and sometimes difficult examination of sexual attitudes and mores in 2021.