The United States Is Under Fascist Occupation

Donald Trump w German Chancellor Angela Merkel
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There is a fascist occupation happening in our country.

The United States of America is currently occupied by fascists, up to and including the President.

That’s not hyperbole.  I wish it were.  Frankly, I’ve been saying that we’re in a state of coup for years now, but it’s finally to the point where no reasonable person can deny it.

You need to understand that this did not happen overnight, nor by accident. For forty years, fascists – calling themselves “constitutional republicans,” “christian fundamentalists,” and other dishonest labels – have been deliberately occupying every level of government in this country. It’s part of their strategy, and it’s been widely reported since at least the late 1980’s, and we all just ignored it because “it can’t happen here” and “we’re better than that.”

In 2016, they took the White House…or so you’d think, but the reality is that happened in 1980 and we didn’t notice.

None of this is an accident. It’s planned, it’s been planned, and it’s been a long time coming, and we didn’t just let it happen, we helped it happen. We helped it happen by getting gung-ho and enlisting after 9-11, we helped it happen by allowing the military-industrial complex to not just eat up a sizeable portion of our GDP but to entangle itself in the profit margins of the elite, so as to ensure they too would help advance the coup.


We helped it by deifying Ronald Reagan, who was a really terrible human being, a white supremacist, anti-environmentalist, homophobe, bigot, and misogynist…but he was so darned polite and well-spoken and affable while he did it, and it made us feel all warm and fuzzy about hating the mythic “welfare queens” and ignoring the AIDS crisis because it was a “gay disease.”

This is starting to make you angry, reading this article.  You’re thinking to yourself “hey wait a minute now, I’m not part of this, and attacking that nice old man Reagan is just a step too far!”

But I could literally hyperlink every word in this article to a different story about how this has been happening for decades, and some of the articles are decades old.  We didn’t listen.

Military contractors, police contractors, and yes even the people who produce cop shows, wittingly or unwittingly, have all been footsoldiers and communication directors for the slow rolling conversion of this nation into a fascist state.

They’ve done it through propaganda, they’ve done it through appealing to venal material greed, they’ve done it through appealing to our egos, they’ve done it through programming the very same young men and women who sign up to defend this nation to feel their fealty to a flag, a political party, icons, and symbols while slowly fading out even the most basic notions of common decency and social contract from education under the rubric of “fighting socialism.”

We haven’t just been had, we’ve been taken. I’ve got my own responsibility to bear in that – I should have been screaming this much more loudly from the rooftops decades ago, but like a fascist occupant of a group that thinks it’s a manners and common ground organization is so good at arguing, you’ve got to make the message palatable, right? Because politics done right is politics that destroys a democracy without the democracy realizing who’s firing on it. Because the only thing Occupy Democrats is occupying is their own material greed. Because people of no ethics and fewer morals can push people like me right out of a potentially good organization with manipulative claptrap like being “cognizant of my agenda,” an agenda that didn’t exist and an accusation that I should have punched in the mouth when it was made.

We’re all guilty on this one, or at least most of us, even if only by virtue of having bought in to any number of tropes and propaganda narratives designed to make us doubt the strength of our SYSTEMS when it’s not the systems but the PEOPLE who are the problem.

If we’re lucky, it’s gonna be a long ride.

If we’re not, pretty soon they’re just gonna stop even trying to pretend, and we’re going to be crushed. Including Mr. Cognizant Of Your Agenda and Mr. Occupy Democrats and Matthew “Addicting Info” Desmond and all the other accidental and deliberate double agents who have all contributed to the coup in their own way.  Usually their own way is by trying to gain money and ego boosts by destroying political discourse with pandering and shallow sloganeering and refusal to stand up and speak truth without shame under the stupid, self-serving rubric of popular appeal and “growing the page” and “getting more likes.”

I have watched organizations not just abandon their principles but allow them to be turned into weapons – and some of those I *have* warned about in plain text, repeatedly, but still pulled my punches because I have friends whose feelings I didn’t want to hurt and whose friendship I didn’t want to lose who are major players in those organizations.

I don’t think most of those folks are wittingly working for the enemy, mind you. I think they’re well-intended and mostly just like me, trying to find the best way to avoid hurting people’s feelings.

We’ve allowed calls for civility and decorum to be weaponized, and our own best intentions turned into tools of treason against our country.

I should have stood up taller, spoken more loudly, but until now, nobody would have listened anyway.

I think some people – and some of you are reading this, or at least there’s no reason you shouldn’t be – are much more ready to listen now than they were six months ago, or five years ago, or ten, or twenty.

There’s still time to turn this around and be the nation we’ve been pretending to be…but it’s going to take work, and it’s going to cost some people some friendships, and maybe worse.

Suit up, kids. This really is the “moment” I’ve been telling you was coming for a long time, and it’s gonna get uglier before it gets better.

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Richard Benyo
3 years ago

In my opinion we have neither a democratic/republic or a fascist state. I believe we’ve evolved into a corporate feudal empire with majority stakeholder interests protected and enforced by a state run military/police force. Just ask George Carlin…

Beth Popple
3 years ago

That wasn’t as hopeful as I hoped it would be

Chester Mcgilicudy
3 years ago

THere is no one person or persons taking over American politics. Our government is made up of 3entities with checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. there is 4 entity called the people who thru constitutional rights and election time also prevents those entities from abuse of power. In other words, we DO NOT have a fascist government.

3 years ago

I would likie to say that I’ve been trying to fight this fight since 1980. I could not vote until 1982 when I turned 18, but I still urged those that I knew not to vote for Reagan. The very policies that were enacted helped to break down the very fundamental economics that my family needed to survive. At the time, we had a small business and over time, the failure of the Republican policies helped to bury the business. The failure to aid the mental health function of hospitals, the reduction in financial aid and other welfare assistance really hit us really hard. At the same time, while we were beginning to lose money, the fat cats on Wall Street were just beinning to take over the banks, insurance companies and investement houses and combine them. As they got richer, we got poorer. As each political season came and went, it just seems that the votes were all about how to support the Republicans and conservative agenda. Being Liberal was a dirty word. No, you could not be one if you wanted to be elected. You had to support the Democrats that supported Wall Street and the Corporations. As we can see, 40 years on, plus, the policies do not work. My dad finally closed the business down about 20 years ago. My mom was basically supporting my dad with her other jobs while he was working 12 plus hours a day six days a week. The thought that the GOP supports business is bunk and it only matters to those that are part of the in company.
I hope that the fascists of the GOP are booted out and that the Liberal thinkers are voted in and we can start cleaning up this 40 year old mess.

Jan Olson
3 years ago

I would like to see the American fascists end their regime like Mussolini ended his.

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