PII Removal Request

Use the following form to request removal from our databases, assuming that you exist in our databases to begin with. Please be sure to use the e-mail address with which you are registered. If you signed up via a third-party platform like Patreon or Facebook, the e-mail address we have on file for you will match that used for the account you use to log in to that platform. If we do not have your e-mail address on file, you will not be notified. If we do have your e-mail address on file, we will notify you via that address when your information has been removed. Please note the following important information:

  • Removing your information from our servers has no impact at all on your existing relationships or accounts on any other platform. We cannot remove your information from other platforms, only from our own.
  • If you’re contacting us because you’re concerned we have information that could be used to access your financials, please don’t bother as it’s a complete waste of both our times. We simply don’t have any, even if you’re purchasing directly through our storefront.
  • This form records personally identifying information and is intended only for the purpose of the clients of JohnHenry.US to request removal of their information from our databases. Inappropriate submissions like commercial solicitations will be billed at whatever rate I feel like that day but it’ll be a minimum of US$250 and may get as high as US$10,000 if you catch me in a bad mood. Per message. Your choice to use this form inappropriately constitutes your binding agreement to pay that bill, in full, on receipt, with said agreement being made either on your own behalf or that of the entity being advertised. Your acceptance of this agreement is signified by your choice to hit that send button for any reason other than a legitimate PII removal request. There’s a standard contact form linked in the site menu for regular business. Thanks.

    Please use the following area to include any information that we may be able to use to find your content on our platform. This includes usernames from external social networks used to post comments, login information for johnhenry.us, or your Patreon contact name, and if possible the URLs of any pages where your information appears. Please note that your comments appear with anchor tags, so you can link to them directly e.g. johnhenry.us/post-title#227 You should be able to copy this information from the header of your comment.

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    We’re sorry, but the resource you’re trying to access is not accessible to you. It may be a test article that has been deleted, or you may have been redirected here because you were trying to poke around in the blog’s system files. In any event, these are not the droids you’re looking for. Might we interest you in one of these fine articles instead?

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