Hey welcome aboard my PC gaming section. I’ve been doing it for a minute, but it’s been about twenty, maybe twenty-five years since I’ve done anything about it online beyond a page for my WOW guild way back when.
Notes On “Irradiated Notebooks”
Introducing you to the Fallout 4 character I rolled for the new gaming part of my site, through his “irradiated…
Gallery: The Life And Times Of Lazarus Long
All of the screenshots documenting the life and times of Lazarus Long, Sole Survivor (a Fallout 4 character rolled fresh…
JH’s Brief History Of Video Games
A short article introducing myself turns in to a fairly comprehensive history of video games. In Part 1: Before Nintendo
Fallout 4: The Irradiated Notebooks of Lazarus Long
I rolled a new character, Lazarus Long, to play through for this blog. Here’s where he lives.
Fallout 4 Home
Various things related to Fallout 4 including gameplay diaries, mod reviews, screenshots, and more.