Authoritarianism: Left and Right
It’s important to understand that all authoritarianism is not the same.
It’s important to understand that all authoritarianism is not the same.
It’s simple, really: those who refuse to honor the social contract are self-selecting out of society. Bye.
Recounting a 2009 case involving a theofascist attempting to bait the courts into validating his right to impose his beliefs on the general public while working for a non-religious employer
In Part 2 of our series on the national debt we explore the Gold Standard + the backstory of why it went away and needed to.
It’s time to take this one apart completely. Let’s discuss what the national debt is, and isn’t, and why it matters to you.
The conspicuous absence of any ethics or conscience in this country related to gun control cannot continue.
The progressive left has everything “on our side,” and some of it we need to not.
We have bad policies for combating poverty for one reason: because the very wealthy need the very poor to keep everyone else in line.
If you’re going to rely on “democracy,” then you have to be prepared to deal with the reality that democracy only functions properly in an educated and informed and engaged society.