My Apology To Rush Limbaugh


And speaking of drugs, I’m sorry that the half-dozen different doctors you went to in order to feed your Oxy addiction didn’t bother ahead of time to warn you that it would cause your reproductive organs to start malfunctioning, thus making it necessary to secure more illegal drugs in the form of Viagra when you take your trips to the Dominican Republic.  Of course under ordinary circumstances I wouldn’t be able to imagine what relevance Viagra would have to a single, old, man vacationing in the Dominican Republic, but after years of listening to your show I don’t think it’s any secret that you like to screw young black people as hard and as often as possible.

I’m sorry that you had all that trouble with your ears a few years back.  I’m also sorry that you were forced to be able to have a qualified medical professional attend to correcting that trouble when so many in the Welfare World get by just fine without so much as a decent set of teeth.  Clearly this was just another liberal plot to cast you as weak and in need of the support of a doctor.  I’m glad that you can hear again – but just in case, I’m publishing this in print so you can read it.  I’m sorry to be so patronizing.

I’m sorry that Michael J. Fox fakes his Parkinson’s disease for the sake of pushing his evil baby-killing agenda.  As you and I both know, all liberals are baby-killers who regularly conduct satanic rituals where they consume placentas and burn the corpses of dead babies to gain the favor of Evil.  Clearly Fox is either not taking his medicine or, far more likely, he’s acting in order to gain sympathy from the ignorant so they will fall in to line and promote baby-killing, thus ensuring that Evil continues to be pleased.  And you with nothing for protection but a microphone and 45% body fat.  Poor fella.

I’m sorry that gay people think they should have the same rights to love and be loved as straight people.  Obviously, as a man who has been married three times, you know better than most what constitutes a threat to the great institution of marriage.

I’m sorry that those evil feminazis refuse to admit that they want to be groped and manhandled by mouth-breathing, overweight old perverts.  Especially the ones who buy Viagra and fly to the Dominican Republic.  Obviously these women know in their hearts that it is their natural duty and obligation to not only tolerate but enjoy sexual harassment, and I’m sorry that we live in a world where it seems that only you and John Norman really understand the “natural order” of things.

I’m sorry that I didn’t take the bone out of my nose before I called your show that one time in Pittsburgh.  I’m also sorry that the only reason people like Donovan McNabb is because he’s black.  I’m also sorry that all composite police sketches of criminals look like Jesse Jackson…but hey, you know, they all look alike to us anyhow, right?

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